With RMF you can have a GREAT future!

There are many people who would quit in the face of adversity, but Sunny is a testament to those who feel like there are no other options.

We caught up with Sunny on-site at his new job as a ride-on roller driver; here is what he had to say.

What challenges did you face before you trained with RMF?

I was in jail selling drugs for years. Leading up to that, my dad was an alcoholic. I didn’t do well in school, and I got kicked out. 

Then I was able to do two days in school and three days at another place – but I didn’t come out with any qualifications or skills. 

I tried doing agency jobs, but that didn’t work out, and that was when I went down a path of selling drugs.

I started off selling weed and then worked my way up the classes, eventually selling smack and crack. 

The money was good – but it came with a lot of drama. I had a gun pulled on me, and my workers used to get robbed often. I ended up selling it to a police officer, and that’s how I got caught. There was a big operation in Coventry, and 52 people were arrested.

The officer was posing as a user and getting other users to take him to dealers. 

At the time, I had some mates working for me. My friends were sentenced to jail, and so was I, but as I was the boss, I got sentenced to eight years. My friends got two and three years each. 

When I came out of jail, I was just drinking. It was a difficult time.

When did things start to change for you, and why?

It was only when I did a course with RMF that things really started changing.

How did you find out about RMF training?

I’ve got a mate who promoted RMF to me.

We had both started off doing some labouring before that, we were getting about £10 an hour. It was hard work, and we realised we were being paid the lowest on the site. And my life wasn’t great at that time, with how I was feeling.

I got in touch with RMF over Facebook using Messenger.

“Most people don’t realise this, and I want people to know, with RMF you can have a great future.”


How did you choose which course was right for you?

I knew that I wanted to do the dumper roller course. Then they told me that the traffic marshal was included. I didn’t think I needed that part, but I did it anyway.

What I would say to people is even if you don’t understand why there’s extra things included in the course, just go with it, because those extra things might be the things that help you get your job. The traffic marshall part was what got me my first job after the course.

It’s always good to have more skills because you never know when you will need them.

Can you tell me what your experience of training with RMF was like? How was it different from your experience of learning at school?

You are treated like an adult. The guys are funny- yeah, they’re there to work but you can have a laugh as well. So, you enjoy being there. When I was training, it was good. I didn’t think I would pass, but I actually passed.

I was so thankful to have passed and, like the guy who assessed me, really supported me. It was a four-week course, so it didn’t take me long to get where I needed to be.

How have you used these new skills in your life?

I did traffic marshalling as part of the course. As I said earlier, that was the thing that helped me get the first job, which was as a bankman. I was getting good money—£500 a week directing machines around the site. That was the start of it, really. I started using my other card, which is Trained Operator Forward Tipping Dumper. I was working five days on a site, and I got up to £150 a day after tax.

Last summer, I was earning £1200 a week. I was doing five days on one site and doing weekends on another site. I was paid for a double shift, so I got four days’ worth of work for working on the weekend. I never thought that I could make that kind of money. I just didn’t have these opportunities.

And if I hadn’t done the courses with RMF, I would not have been able to get those jobs and make that money.


What would you like people to know about RMF?

People at RMF are there to help you. If you show up and you do the learning, you can make good money afterwards.  They’re good people.

You could work for something like HS2 after you have done the RMF course. There is good money in working for HS2 and it is interesting work.

Most people don’t realise this, and I want people to know, with RMF you can have a great future.

RMF even contacted me after I had done the courses to follow up with the offer of me being able to apply for a job. That’s how much they care.

But at the time when they followed up, I was actually already working because I had just got my job. Obviously, if I hadn’t been able to get a job at that point, they were.there for me, helping me to get one.

“Last summer, I was earning £1200 a week. I was doing five days on one site and doing weekends on another site. I was paid for a double shift, so I got four days’ worth of work for working at the weekend. I never thought that I could make that kind of money. I just didn't have these opportunities."

How is your life different now to how it was before you trained with RMF?

I’ve been saving and I want to buy a house. So, I’ve pretty much got the deposit over two years. I’ve been flat out with work but honestly, it’s worth it.  I’ve got clean money in the bank now. And I don’t need to look over my shoulder. I’m safe. 

I’ve made promises to my family that I’m never going to go back there. I don’t need to do that. I’m out of it now. I’m making good money, and I’m just working and living an honest life. 

I didn’t realise how much money I could make and that is the one of the things that motivates me. 

What are your plans and hopes for the future?

I’m going to carry on with what I’m doing, progress. I still need to learn more. I might do another course, the Slinger Banksman.

What advice would you give to others based on your experience?

My advice would be give RMF a chance because I know how hard it is. They know where you’re coming from and they’re there to help. You can get your courses for free, and then you can earn good money. Take advantage of what you’re given. If you work with them, you will get where you want to be.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

I don’t think people realise how much money you can make with these skills.  RMF can guide you all the way through this process. Give it a chance. See where it goes. You’ve got nothing to lose. I am living proof that it does work. 

I enjoy working. Yeah, it can be a graft, but sometimes it’s not. It’s good to learn something and progress, to make a proper career. In the early days, before RMF, I tried doing factory work. It was the worst job. I ended up filling bottles of bleach all day long, just doing the same thing over and over again. It wasn’t for me. But the work I’m doing now. I love it. 

I really am having a good life. 

“RMF even contacted me after I had done the courses to follow up with the offer of me being able to apply for a job. That's how much they care.”

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